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高效光能 啟動未來——西門子亮相SNEC 2011國際光伏展

   2011-02-23 10490

SNEC第五屆(2011)國際太陽能光伏大會暨(上海)展覽會于2011年2月22日到24日在上海新國際展覽中心隆重召開。屆時,西門子將以“高效光能啟動未來”為理念亮相展會E4-350 展位。此次展示的是西門子在太陽能原料生產(chǎn),太陽能電池生產(chǎn)設備和光伏逆變的最新產(chǎn)品以及并網(wǎng)光伏電站的解決方案,幫助中國太陽能全產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈生產(chǎn)制造業(yè)企業(yè)和光伏電站最終用戶提高生產(chǎn)效率和生產(chǎn)力。

“SNEC光伏大會暨(上海)展覽會”從2007年第一屆的1.5萬平方米,發(fā)展到2010年的8.5萬平方米,共來自全球66個國家和地區(qū),1408家參展企業(yè),其中國際展商比例占38%,已經(jīng)成為在中國、在亞州、在全球最具影響力的國際化、專業(yè)化、規(guī)?;墓夥?。到目前, SNEC(2011)PV POWER EXPO已匯聚全球來自德國、美國、日本、法國、奧地利、荷蘭、瑞士、比利時、新加坡、西班牙、臺灣等六十多個國家和地區(qū)的光伏產(chǎn)業(yè)品牌企業(yè),參展企業(yè)已超過1,300家,展覽面積已達到12萬平方米,預計展覽面積將達到15萬平方米,將有4000名業(yè)界學者專家以及逾100,000名專業(yè)人士,包括采購商、供應商、集成商等云聚上海。SNEC 第五屆(2011)國際太陽能光伏大會暨(上海)展覽會”將再創(chuàng)歷史輝煌。

High Efficiency Makes Brilliant Future – Siemens shows up at SNEC (2011) PV POWER EXPO
SNEC 5th (2011) International Photovoltaic Power Generation Conference & Exhibition will be held from Feb 22nd to 24th, 2011 at Shanghai New International Expo Center. With the slogan "High Efficiency Makes Brilliant Future" , Siemens will show up at hall E 4 Booth 350, demonstrate its new products and solutions for solar energy industry, such as PV material producing devices, solar cell producing devices, SINVERT PV inverters, PV system and smart grid technologies, to help the entire value chain of Chinese solar industry and PV plants end users, for higher efficiency and productivity. After a remarkably successful inception in 2007 with an exhibition space of 15,000 square meters, and then quadrupling its size just two years later, SNEC (2010) PV POWER EXPO broke the record of PV exhibitions previously held in Asia with a space of 85,000 sq. meters and 1,408 exhibitors from 66 countries and regions worldwide. 38% of the exhibitors came from outside China. SNEC PV POWER EXPO has already grown into the most influential international PV show not only in China, but also in Asia or even the world. Up to date, SNEC (2011) PV POWER EXPO has got over 1,300 exhibitors including world famous brand companies in the PV industry from over 60 countries and regions, such as Germany, America, Japan, France, Austria, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, etc. The total exhibition space has reached 120,000 sq. meters and is expected to reach 150,000 sq. meters. 4,000 experts and scholars, 100,000 professionals, including buyers, suppliers, integrators, etc., will gather in Shanghai for this grand occasion.


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