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PVBL 2018 Photovoltaic Brand Rankings

   2019-05-15 Century New Energy Network158990
核心提示:At 9:am on May 10, 2019, the CPC 2019 Century Photovoltaic Conference and Release of the PVBL 2018 Photovoltaic Brand Ra
On May 10th of 2019, the fourth annual Century Photovoltaic Conference and the PVBL 2018 Photovoltaic Brand Rankings Release Ceremony hosted jointly by Century New Energy Network and Photovoltaic Brand Lab (PVBL) were held at the Sheraton Grand in Shanghai. Centered around the theme of “Photovoltaic Wisdom and Determination under Reform”, the conference aimed to study the challenges and opportunities associated with the emergent multitrillion photovoltaic industry. With more than 400 industry elites in attendance, many put forward their suggestions from various perspectives on the current state of the China’s Photovoltaic industry and explored future development direction through joint discussions.
The PVBL 2018 Photovoltaic Brand Rankings Release Ceremony was held during the dinner banquet where each respective category’s the Top 10 enterprises were announced on the spot, with a large portion of the awards earned by dominant industry enterprises.

Established in 2012, The PVBL rankings is the only data research report in China that is supported by a multidimensional evaluation system. The multidimensional evaluation system provides an accurate reflection of consumer attitudes towards brands and offers insight to companies on the effectiveness of their brand positioning strategies. PVBL’s continuous improvements to its evaluation system year to year has more and overseas institutions paying closer attention to its annual rankings, it can be regarded as the “Barometer of China’s Photovoltaic Market”
PVBL 2018 Photovoltaic Brand Rankings combines Century New Energy Network’s 10-years’ worth of data gathered from with its web based operations with the evaluation criteria of 
GB/T 31041-2014 Brand Value – Requirements for Quality evaluation, 
GB/T 31042-2014 Brand Value―Requirements for Service evaluation  
GB/T 31043-2014 Brand Value―Requirements for Technology Innovation evaluation in order to calculate an enterprise’s corporate brand rating. The maximum achievable corporate brand rating is 1000 and is calculated after companies have undergone the extensive judging system that involves the evaluation of five primary and ten secondary indicators. The primary indicators are revenue, research & development, outgoing shipments, impact and service. Secondary indicators include brand design, brand popularity, brand reputation, brand loyalty, product quality, service quality, marketing promotion, social responsibility, industry impact and societal impact. Finally, the top 10 PV brand rankings lists for various categories are finalized for the announcement ceremony. These categories include but are not limited to Top PV Power Station Developers, Top Power Station EPC, Top Components, Top Inverters (centralized/string/residential) and Top Residential Systems.
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