為了尋求該國更多的光伏信息,Sloarplaza 采訪了該國的光伏專家Baha Kuban博士,并且得到了一些非常有用的見解。當咨詢到全球光伏展望,Kuban博士預測了2013年全球光伏市場增量將達到18-25GW,而這樣的增量很大程度上將由目前的二級市場所貢獻。
28.07.2010: Although Turkey’s current installed capacity is estimated at roughly 3 MW, the country’s solar PV market is bound to expand in the coming years. The circumstances are favorable and as such, the prospects promising. To find out more about the situation in Turkey, Solarplaza interviewed Turkish PV expert Dr. Baha Kuban and gained some valuable insights. When asked about the global outlook, Dr. Kuban predicted a total market size of 18-25 GW by the end of 2013, a growth that will
for a significant part be stimulated by today’s second tier markets. By this time, large swathes of the world will have reached grid parity with consumer electricity wholesale prices. During the coming year, we will see even greater thin-film penetration and the full coming of age of CI(G)S technologies. …
Source: SolarPlaza
為了尋求該國更多的光伏信息,Sloarplaza 采訪了該國的光伏專家Baha Kuban博士,并且得到了一些非常有用的見解。當咨詢到全球光伏展望,Kuban博士預測了2013年全球光伏市場增量將達到18-25GW,而這樣的增量很大程度上將由目前的二級市場所貢獻。
28.07.2010: Although Turkey’s current installed capacity is estimated at roughly 3 MW, the country’s solar PV market is bound to expand in the coming years. The circumstances are favorable and as such, the prospects promising. To find out more about the situation in Turkey, Solarplaza interviewed Turkish PV expert Dr. Baha Kuban and gained some valuable insights. When asked about the global outlook, Dr. Kuban predicted a total market size of 18-25 GW by the end of 2013, a growth that will
for a significant part be stimulated by today’s second tier markets. By this time, large swathes of the world will have reached grid parity with consumer electricity wholesale prices. During the coming year, we will see even greater thin-film penetration and the full coming of age of CI(G)S technologies. …
Source: SolarPlaza